A web application packed with the most important performance analysis and coaching features, dedicated for cyclists and triathletes. Ranging from the inexperienced to the most demanding pro athletes, dPAC can help you reach your goals!
It was created for athletes that live in a real world, where a lot of factors can influence training and recovery. Daily life stress, sickness or improper sleep can have a meaningful impact when preparing for a target event or goal. dPAC takes these factors into account when estimating your form and most important training metrics!
Keep track of training load throughout the season, taking into account external factors to training & recovery (daily life, sleep, etc).
You can also keep track of modern metrics like HRV or use traditional ones like resting heart rate.
Detects the Mean Maximum Power (MMP) records for key durations and automatically does a complete metabolic evaluation of the athelte.
VLamax VO2max FTP FATmax
Estimates with precision these essential metrics that otherwise would only be accessible in expensive laboratory evaluations!
Energy combustion rates calculator for improved fueling strategies!
Get automatic training advice based on your current training progress and planned season goals.